Creating Well-Beings

Creating Well-Beings – an overnight design hack at the museum


At the Melbourne Museum, Ana led the initial strategic and creative development of the Mind & Body gallery redevelopment, engaging communities of biomedical scientists and researchers, healthcare professionals, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, LGBTQIA+ advocates, Indigenous health practitioners, disability advocates and young people.

For the museum she designed a highly inclusive and participatory framework for exhibition concept development. Part of this involved partnering with the City of Melbourne to deliver Creating Well-Beings, a 12 hour, all-night design hack where members of the public were invited to join museum staff, designers, and specialist knowledge experts to prototype new approaches to exhibition design for wellbeing.

This experiment in co-design with publics was hugely successful, attracting over 100 participants from health, design and technology disciplines. Several conceptual approaches to exhibition design were generated, yielding valuable inputs to the design and curatorial team and validating the interest in this subject matter with an adult audience.

Client: Melbourne Museum
Event partner: Melbourne Knowledge Week

Melbourne Museum project team:
Ana Tiquia, Producer
Johanna Simkin, Senior Biomedical Curator
Kate Chmiel, Experience Developer
Jo Pritchard, Communication Designer 
Naomi Fogel, Exhibition Designer
Zoe Horzella, Project Manager
Bronwyn Loxton, Project Officer

Creating Well Beings